Billing Options
Choose the billing plan that works best for you.
Prepaid members do not have to pay a deposit to start a new electric account. This is a pay-as-you-go plan, so there are no monthly bills. Members must start the account with a minimum of $50.00. If you are an existing member and wish to convert to a prepaid account, any deposit previously paid will be applied to any outstanding balance and the purchase of future energy use. If you are ready to sign up for this service, please fill out the form below. If you need more info, call us at 800-537-3913 or contact us by email
Prepaid Electric Service Program (Prepaid Metering Program, PPM)
For some people, a "pay as you go" system is easier to budget than waiting until the end of the month to see what you owe for your electric bill. And, since you are paying as you use, no deposit is required for this type of account. Please view the conditions below for further details.
- The minimum payment to start a PPM account is $50.00.
- Electric service will be subject to immediate disconnection if at any time the account does not have a credit balance.
- If service is disconnected for less than 3 days, credit must be re-established before service will be restored. Service is usually restored within one hour.
- If your service is disconnected for more than 3 days, you must contact the office during normal business hours to have it reconnected. Service will not reconnect automatically. To reconnect service, any outstanding balance, a reconnect fee, and at least $50.00 to reactivate the account must be paid. Service will not be restored until the next business day.
- If a returned check or electronic chargeback is received on the account, the amount of the return and a return item fee will be charged back to the member’s account immediately. If this causes the credit on the account to be exhausted, service will be disconnected within 24 hours.
- Prepay accounts are billed two days behind. The amount that is billed on any given day is for usage two days prior. For example, on a Monday, you are being billed for Saturday’s usage.
- PPM accounts are not eligible for payment arrangements.
- PPM accounts are not eligible for autopay or draft payments.
- Medical conditions will not postpone disconnection.
- Energy Assistance or other assistance will be applied when monies are received. Pledges will not postpone disconnection.
- PPM accounts will not receive a paper bill.
- If at any time, a Prepaid member wants to covert the account to a monthly bill, a deposit may be required that is equal to twice the highest bill at the service location.
Payments may be made in the office, over the phone, through our payment portal, or by mail.
One of the most difficult things about an electric bill is that each month is typically a different amount, depending on the weather and electric use. If you prefer to have your electric bill averaged over 12 months, fill out the Levelized Billing Plan Application below. (Note, this does not reduce the overall amount you pay for electricity in a year. The program will determine your total-due payment amount by averaging the most recent 12 months actual electric usage. Based on this method, the total-due amount may vary slightly from month to month.)
- You must have a zero balance on your account to enroll.
- The program will determine your total-due payment amount by averaging the most recent 12 months actual electric usage. Based on this method, the total-due amount may vary slightly from month to month.
- The account will remain on the program as long as each month’s total-due payment is paid.
- The account will remain on the program as long as payments are made by the due date. Failure to pay the total-due amount in a timely manner will cause the account to be considered delinquent and removed from the program.
- You may notify us at any time if you wish to terminate your participation in the program. Account reconciliation will take place and your next bill will reflect an amount that will consider your account to be current.
Invoice Billing can put all of your same cycle bills on one “INVOICE”, instead of the two or more bill statements you currently receive. This combines all accounts with the same account number within the same billing cycle.
There are only three requirements:
- All accounts must be within the same billing cycle.
- The account number must be the same, with only the last two digits (separator numbers) different.
- We need your approval to combine your bills to one easy to read INVOICE.
Ready to sign up? Just fill out the Invoice Billing Application below.
Cut the clutter by signing up to receive your electric bill via email. Complete the E-bill Application below.
Did you know Parke County REMC gives you access to renewable energy? If you like the idea of “Green Power,” EnviroWatts is the program for you!
Top three reasons to support EnviroWatts.
- The more electric cooperative members who tell us they want EnviroWatts, the more “good energy” we will buy.
- We will give part of every EnviroWatts dollar to support local efforts that help make our environment cleaner.
- If you want to help the environment, this is simply the right thing to do.
Need more info? Check out our EnviroWatts FAQ below, Ready to participate? Fill out the form below.
EnviroWatts is Parke County REMC’s name for green power energy generated from renewable, environmentally preferred sources.
“Green power” can come from many different sources, including solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal springs. The power for EnviroWatts is renewable energy currently generated from two sources: landfill waste and wind energy. Landfill wastes create methane gas, and the methane gas is captured to operate generators; therefore, they are a form of “biomass.” The landfills from which the methane is captured are located in Bremen, Hobart Chesterton, Danville, and Liberty, Indiana. EnviroWatts also purchases power from a wind energy project about one hour north of Peoria, Illinois.
Fill out this form to sign up or call us at 569-3133 or 800-537-3913. It only takes a few minutes.
You will not notice anything different about the energy you receive, since the power generated by renewable resources will be part of the energy mix that is delivered to your residence or business.
The additional cost is only 1 cent per kilowatthour for the first 1,000 kilowatthours. So, the maximum additional amount each month is $10. If you only use 300 killowatthours, the charge is only $3 that month. There is no additional cost if you use more than 1,000 kilowatthours. So, if you use 1,150 kilowatthours, the additional charge is, again, $10 that month. You will find throughout the country that “green power” is priced above the standard retail rates.
The power generated from the landfill does not cost more than the power we purchase from other sources, such as from coal-fired power plants. However, the power from the wind project near Peoria, IL is slightly higher than our traditional generation sources.
While the power from the landfills was the first step in developing a portfolio of renewable energy power sources, it is only a small portion. So, even though the cost of the power from the landfills is not greater than the cost of other purchased power, the cost of most other renewable energy, including the wind, IS higher than traditional power supply sources. As we continue to add wind and other renewable sources to the EnviroWatts portfolio of power supplies, they will likely cost more than the power from landfills and the power from traditional fossil fuels. Therefore, the price would have to be increased. We wanted customers to be aware, up front, that it will probably cost more for “green power.” We were concerned that if we charged only the actual cost of the landfill-generated power, customers would feel they were misled once we added other “green power” sources and had to increase the price. This way of pricing is also our method of determining the real level of interest in “green power” among our members. Obviously, if we priced “green power” at the same price as other more traditional sources, it would attract many members, but it would not give us a good idea of those members who support expansion of our renewable energy portfolio at a likely higher cost. If there is sufficient interest in the EnviroWatts, we will place greater emphasis upon expanding our portfolio of alternative sources.
The additional money is deposited in the EnviroWatts Fund and used for environmental purposes or projects in our service area. However, in the future, as we add other higher-priced renewable sources to our portfolio, we expect the total amount paid into EnviroWatts will be needed to pay for the additional high-priced supply. So, we envision the EnviroWatts Fund to be temporary – for a few years. In the meantime, the money is not “pocketed” by Parke County REMC. It is instead used for purposes that folks that sign up for “green power” could support – improving our environment.
Parke County REMC Board of Directors initially selected the individuals to serve on the EnviroWatts Board of Trustees. The people that serve on the EnviroWatts Board of Trustees must be members of the cooperative. Since the initial selection, members who wish to serve on the EnviroWatts must find board volunteers to serve whenever there is an opening.
There are a set of bylaws that has been adopted by the Parke County REMC Board of Directors that will govern the EnviroWatts Fund. While the bylaws limit use of the funds to only projects in our area, and therefore, prevent use of the money for national organizations whose goals and methods conflict with many of our members, the precise projects are determined by the EnviroWatts Board of Trustees. The EnviroWatts Board acts in much the same way as our Operation Round Up Board of Trustees. However, Operation Round Up monies are for charitable organizations, while the EnviroWatts money is to be used for environmental purposes and projects. Parke County REMC will publish in our member newsletter, the Power Lines, the projects funded through EnviroWatts. We also include this information on our website.