Operation Round Up
Small change makes a big difference in our community through our Operation Round Up program.
REMC members can allow their electric bills to be "rounded up" to the next dollar each month. Those few extra cents are added to the Operation Round Up fund each month. The combined effort of hundreds of members participating helps this account grow to thousands of dollars which can be used for grants in our local community.
Participation in Operation Round Up® is strictly voluntary. Members will have an opportunity to choose whether to participate.
All Operation Round Up™® donations are placed in a trust fund and administered by an independent Board of Directors. The Trust is made up of Parke County REMC members who serve on the Board on a voluntary basis.
This Board receives and evaluates all requests for funds and determine how they will be distributed. Typically, the funding is used to address crucial needs such as food, clothing, shelter, medical care and education, but it is not limited to these categories.
All requests must include a complete application. No personal presentations are accepted.
All applications for funds will be given consideration. Grant requests are considered on a quarterly basis and are made on a one-year basis. If a grant is approved, the organization must wait one year until reapplying.
The Trust receives numerous requests, therefore every request cannot be fulfilled either in full or part. The Trust will evaluate all programs based on community or individual need, practicality, and feasibility.
The Trust does NOT provide grants for:
- Labor, political, religious or sectarian groups
- For-profit business startups or development
- Endowments or endowed chairs
- Grant-making entities
- Long-term funding
- On-going support for operating costs
- After-the-fact/post-event situations
- Fund-raising events, post-prom, or post-graduation activities
- Groups or individuals to attend seminars or to take field trips
- Advertising
- Payments of any type of utility bill
For example:
Member's monthly bill: $52.73
Rounded up amount: $53.00
Added to Operation Round Up® Fund*: $.0.27
*Donations are tax-deductible, and members are sent a summary of their yearly contributions each January and February.
Deadlines for Grant Applications
- January 7, 2025
- March 4, 2025
- June 3, 2025
- September 2, 2025
Operation Round Up Board Members
- Mike Rissler, Chairman
- Dennis Fordice, Vice Chairman
- Terry Bruner, Secretary/Treasurer
- Kathy Collom
- Sally Curley
- Sharon Harmon
- Carolyn Kilby
- Caleb Wilson
- Diana Ruark
Nonprofit organizations serving the members of Parke County REMC are eligible to apply for Operation Round Up funding. To apply, download and complete the application below, then submit it by mail, in person, or electronically.
Submission Options:
Email: roundup@pcremc.com
Mail or in-person: 5001 E US Highway 36, Rockville, IN 47872-7701
Applications must be received by the application deadline. Please account for mailing time.
Parke County REMC members who lose their primary residence due to a house fire may apply for a donation through Operation Round Up. Applications must be submitted within 30 days of the loss. Please view the individual house fire application below.