Youth Programs

Parke County REMC has several options for students of different ages to participate in amazing trips and hands-on learning opportunities.

Youth Tour​ to Washington DC​       Application Closed

Every June, high school students from across the country spend a week in the nation's capital as part of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Youth Tour. The students are sponsored by electric cooperatives – cooperatives that are committed to educating America's rural youth about America and the role electric cooperatives play in developing strong rural communities. Highlights of this seven-day trip include visits to historic monuments and museums, meetings with Indiana's congressional delegation on Capitol Hill, opportunities to make lifelong friends, and much more. 

Applicants must be current high school juniors and the son, daughter, or legal ward of a Parke County REMC member. The application deadline was March 3, 2025. For questions, please call 765-569-3133.

Watch this video to learn more about Youth Tour!

Camp Kilowatt                    Application Closed

For many years, Camp Kilowatt (previously Touchstone Energy® Camp) has educated over 1,000 sixth grade students about how to stay safe around electricity, while also providing campers a chance to participate in a wide variety of outdoor camp activities. Camp takes place at Camp Tecumseh in Brookston, Indiana. 

Please note that applicants must be a son, daughter, or legal ward of a Parke County REMC member. The application deadline was March 3, 2025. For questions, please call 765-569-3133.

Watch this video to learn more about Camp Kilowatt!

Parke County REMC Scholarship Program               Application Closed

Thank you for your interest in our scholarship program! Parke County REMC is proud to offer scholarships to graduating high school seniors. 

The 2025 application deadline was February 12, 2025. For questions, please call 765-569-3133.


Page Day with the Indiana Senate gives high school students an opportunity to learn about their state government and how bills become law. Highlights include a Statehouse tour, mock bill activity, speakers and other educational activities. Students may have the opportunity to see the Indiana Legislature in action and meet their legislator.

Learn More

Page Day Apply Now Graphic

Indiana’s electric cooperatives and Indiana Connection are proud to sponsor the Youth Power and Hope Awards program. Since 2009, the program has annually honored Indiana youth in grades 5-8 for their community service. Click here to learn more!

Youth Power and Hopes Logo